Thursday, August 13, 2015

How To Become A Little Stick Of Dynamite

Alright ladies, time to get extremely real. How many of us have heard throughout our lives those typical, somewhat condesending remarks. We all know the ones..."You can't do that, your too small.", " You can't lift that, your too weak.", or comments like " You can really do that?". Now, us butterflies have many disadvantages, but we can knock those disadvantages out one by one simply by turning ourselves into what I call little sticks of dynamite.

Now, we all hear it from our doctors that we need to live as healthy of a lifestyle as possible, because we already have so many health issues. Whether we want to admit it or not, our doctors are right. This is a lesson I have had to learn the hard way. When I turned 21, my doctor had to put me on medication for diabetes. Now, I'm not full blown diabetic but I was close enough to need medication. It started hitting me how bad my health really was. I would go on and off diets and excercise routines for a good 4 yrs before I finally thought to myself " What the hell am I doing? I still eat like crap, I haven't really lost any weight because I keep losing and then just gaining it right back. And, im still on the diabetes medication. If I don't wake up soon and truly fix this, I will end up diabetic."

So I began slowly changing my eating habits on my own. I stopped going through the drive thru after work do much. I also started packing my lunches for work sometimes. You see, I work in a grocery store, so when I don't pack a lunch and buy something instead, there's the evil service deli. That food back there is just as bad for you as a drive thru. Slowly over a couple of months I lost about fifteen pounds. Then, I met my amazing boyfreind Ben. He just so happens to be a former personal trainer. He should me some amazing workouts that even really out of shape people can do pretty easily. He started out showing me sort of yoga routines. Then we went to something called VRT(visual resistance training). VRT has got to be one of my favorites! You don't need a single piece of equiment! All you do is picture in your mind what you want to be lifting, then you flex your muscles as if you are acutally lifting whatever it is you want, and put your body through the motion. We have fairly recently started doing workouts where we use a deck of cards to determine our reps, and swing a sledge hammer against a tire! That one is awesome too! You really get out some aggression. If you would like to learn more about his training methods, visit Ben at or his full website at He has many tools to help transform you into that stick of dynamite.

The other reason I decided to turn myself into a stick of dynamite is really quite funny. I love to see the look on peoples face when they see me do something physical and say " Holy crap! You are tiny, and very strong!". For example, one day I was helping a few of my checkers out by bagging groceries for them. There was a customer who needed a twenty pound bag of ice and a ten pound bag of ice. I grabbed both bags of ice at the same time. The child that was with the customer said " Wow mommy, she is really strong!" and the mom replied " Yes, she is very strong!". It's moments like that that make me feel amazing. And I'm just starting my dynamite journey. I can't wait to see how strong I become in the coming months.

Us butterflies may always be small, but we don't always have to be weak. You don't need a personal trainor to become that stick of dynamite either. Just visit my boyfreinds pages and you will be given many tools to help you become a stick of dynamite all on your own.

May us butterflies always soar!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

How To Survive An Average Sized World

As many of you have most likely experienced, us butterflies sometimes have a difficult time reaching things or doing certain things thanks to our being " vertically challenged " if you will. Throughout my life, I have learned little tips and tricks that I would love to share with everyone. The first and most important tool we all need in our homes is......a step stool! believe it or not it comes in handy more often than you think.

I personally use a step stool several times a day. to reach high cabinets, get that last little bit of laundry out of a top loading washer, clean high places, and soo much more. When I was younger though, the step stool didn't even help much. One of my chores as a kid was of course to unload the dishwasher and put everything away. Well, I was so small that I had to use the step stool to get onto the counter and then be on the counter itself to put everything away. My dad didn't like that one too much at all. He was always afraid that I would fall off the counter and hurt myself. I even had to use the step stool to just wash the dishes, so i could see over the sink well enough.

Another interesting obstacle for us butterflies is driving. At least from what I have been through, it's hard to find a car that I can both easily see over the dashboard and touch the peddles. I usually end up drivng little compact cars. Although, one time I had this really awesome SUV. I could get away with driving because both the seat and the gas peddle moved and adjusted. For some cars, I just throw a pillow under me! There are many ways for us to be able to drive though.

The most interesting place to try to adjust, at least for me, is work. I work in a grocery store, so lots of things are high. When a customer asks me where an item is, and it is on the top shelf, they usually just smile and thank me for showing me where it is. I wish I could go that extra mile though and actually get it down for them. My work place is pretty cool though, I'm lucky. They have step stools in almost every department to help me out. Some work places aren't like that though, so you might want to just ask your boss if its ok if maybe you just bring in a step stool.

There are many obstacles for us butterflies already, so let's not continue to make high places another one. I hope these tips and tricks help. May the butterflies soar!