Thursday, January 25, 2018

Weeks 1 and 2

              Hello all! I certainly hope everyone enjoyed the last post. As you all know, I have re-set myself yet again on my weight loss journey. Well, in this post i'm going to let you all know how everything is going so far.
              When I started on day one of this journey, I honestly didn't know how long I could keep this up. I made the following rules for myself:
                                         1) don't eat a lot of read
                                         2) STAY AWAY FROM FRIED FOOD
                                         3) stay away from candy and chocolate
         The very first week, I was extremely determined. I ate very well. The only sweet thing I ate was fruit. I was also good about staying away from fried food. I ate pretty well every day. For breakfast I  mostly ate a banana and some oatmeal. For lunch, it was either a turkey wrap or a sandwich and maybe some apple slices. For dinner we kind of mixed things up with pork chops, steak, or chicken with a healthy side dish. At the end of week one, I ended up being down two pounds already!!
           Week two started out great!! I had just come off of the two pound weight loss from week one, and had been to the gym a couple times for an amazing couple of workouts. My eating habits started out pretty good. I was eating the same banana and oatmeal for breakfast, packing my lunches. Then something kind of rough happened.
             During one of my workouts on a Friday, I hurt my back. I ended up hurting myself for a bad reason. I had a sort of bug up my butt and decided I wanted to be in the cardio room at the gym for 45 min. As part of this goal, I spent 10 min on the elliptical. What some of you might not know is that a 4'11" frame does not belong on a traditional elliptical. Doing this action caused me to severely strain a joint in my back. I have gone through a lot to recover from this injury. I have had to see a chiropractor 4 times in a week. I also have to be extremely good about stretching and putting ice and heat on my back periodically.
              Having this injury messed with the really good eating I was doing. For the most part I have still been eating relatively well, however there have been a few meals that were not ideal. The first part of the week I wasn't eating enough because the pain was messing with my appetite. I spent the better part of three days sleeping, trying to recover after going to the chiropractor. When I started feeling better, I began to let myself have a little bit of the bad food I had been craving. There were a few nights we had fries as part of our dinner. The first two times I let myself get away with because we baked them in the oven.....(still not really ok to eat). The third time was really bad.....we ended up eating at a local fast food place because I came home from work starving. 
              Somehow, at the end of week two I still managed to loose another two pounds! I don't know if mostly eating good actually paid off or how it happened, but my body doesn't feel as good as it did the end of week one when I ate completely good food.
                  I'm very much hoping that I can keep us this weight loss momentum even with my slip ups. Keep an eye out for an update on week three! We can do this weight loss thing butterflies, just keep focused! May us butterflies ALWAYS soar!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Still trying...

             Hey there everyone! Boy has it been a long time since I have posted a new blog. Unfortunately life got a little in my way for too long. One of my New Years evolutions ( resolutions are way too easy to give up on) is to do a couple small things for myself every once in a while. The reason for this is because last year I feel like I let myself lose track too much on stuff that means a lot to me. Writing this blog is definitely one of the most important things to me.
              Writing this blog is only one of the things that I want to get back to for myself. Writing and giving advice that might help people is my way of giving back to the world. The way I see it, if just one person is positively affected by something I write they might spread the word and that would also in turn spread positivity.
                The second HUGE thing I am trying to get back on track with is my weight loss journey. I've been at this journey for the better part of two and half years and haven't gotten very far. I'm not sure what it was this time that got me to feel the need to get back on the wagon again, but yet again I find myself hitting the reset button of commitment to weight loss. It could be wanting to loose weight for my wedding, it could be the time of year, it could be the fact that I had been down 30 pounds and have gained back almost 20 of it in the past 9 months, it could honestly be a combination of all of the above.....I have absolutely no clue to be honest. I just know that I have the drive AGAIN and am tired AGAIN of hearing myself recommit. I truly do want this to be the last time I have to recommit. In the past 2 and half years I think I have recommitted to this at least 6 times. I know i'm not the only person out in the world that has had a similar issue losing weight, I just really hope that for all of the above reasons I can one hundred percent stay committed this time.
              One of my biggest hurdles on this weight loss journey is food. My two favorite things when it comes to food is sweets, and fried foods. I legitimately feel like an addict sometimes when it comes to food. I can go MAYBE a week eating salads and more veggies and stuff......and then the cravings hit me. When these cravings hit me, there is usually no stopping them. They get soo bad that my mind will not let me think about anything else besides the food i'm craving. I know I need to change my relationship with food. I have completely given up soda for exactly 13 months now, which was extremely difficult at first. I feel like if I could just channel whatever it was to allow my brain and body to give up soda, maybe I can give up the fried food and sweets. The trick though is trying to remember how I got my mind past the cravings. I remember kind of thinking to myself that I was allergic to soda. I would tell myself I was allergic to it so I wouldn't drink it.
              So, here we are. It is January 11, 2018. I am 4'11'', 223lbs. As of today, I am recommitting for what I sincerely hope is the last time. For at least awhile, this blog will document a butterflies struggle to lose weight. I will check with a new article once a week. I will let my readers know how my eating right went the past week, how my weight did that week, and just a little about how my emotions were that week( because yes, those do play a role in a weight loss journey too). I hope somehow documenting my journey will help at least one other butterfly out there. Until next week, and may us butterflies always SOAR!