Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Self-Esteem Booster

One issue that I have noticed, not only in us butterflies but in ALL women is self-esteem. This world is full of women who don’t know their full potential, feel bad about themselves, don’t think they are pretty, or don’t think they are worth a man spending time on them.
One thing I want ALL women who read my blog to know is that you are always worth while. You are always beautiful. You should never feel bad about yourself. You are always worth people spending time on you.
There are many possible reasons for low self-esteem in women. Whether it’s not getting approval from either one or both of our parents, a significant other that constantly tells you awful things about yourself, a sibling telling you hurtful things, whatever it is that puts your self-esteem low try to reverse it once you catch it. You catch it by realizing when think stuff to yourself like “ what guy would want to date me?”, “ nothing looks good on me!”. There are tons of negative thoughts that you could catch going through your head.
Now, how do you reverse it? First off, if you are in a relationship with someone who is constantly telling you negative things about yourself leave! Second, and this is gonna sound really weird but I swear to you that I have actually done this before, look at yourself in a mirror… repeat to yourself(whether outloud or in your head) I am worth while. I am beautiful. I am special. Just repeating those things can help. One other thing I do is to pick one thing that I enjoy to do and do it for at least 20 minutes everyday. It doesn’t have to be the same thing every day. It can be several different things, the important thing is that you do one specific thing for yourself for at least 20 minutes.
One thing I want to talk about is that we women need to always lift each other up, not tear each other down. Shoot, we should do this as humans not just women. It absolutely astounds me that we as human beings can talk crap behind each other’s back and destroy each other so easily. There is enough bad stuff in this world. Let’s not add to it by tearing each other apart. It’s just one small thing each of us can do to possibly make this world a little bit better.

I hope the tips I gave to help your self-esteem really do help. The way I see it is that if these tips helped even one person feel better about themselves then I’ve helped make a difference. As Ellen Degenerous says…Be kind to one another.

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